Magnesium Chloride is the name for the chemical compounds with the formulas MgCl2 and its various hydrates MgCl2(H2O)x. These salts are typical ionic halides, being highly soluble in water. The hydrated magnesium chloride can be extracted from brine or sea water. Magnesium chloride as the natural mineral bischofite is also extracted (solution mining) out of ancient seabeds, for example the Zechstein seabed in NW Europe or the Permian Period seabed in the central parts of the US.
A healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels. Calcium can lodge anywhere in your body and cause serious harm if not balanced with magnesium, which regulates the action of calcium. For instance, excess calcium buildup around your bones and joints mimics arthritis. Too much calcium lodged in your heart imitates arterial lesions. Calcification or calcium poisoning can manifest as heart disease, cancer, wrinkled skin, kidney stones, osteoporosis, dental problems, bone spurs, cataracts and many other health problems.
Calcium and magnesium are opposites
in their effects on our body structure.
As a general rule, the more rigid and
inflexible our body structure is, the less
calcium and the more magnesium we need. Adequate levels of magnesium are essential for the heart muscle. Those who die from heart attacks have very low magnesium but high calcium levels in their heart muscles. Patients with coronary heart disease who have been treated with large amounts of magnesium survived better than those with other drug treatments. Magnesium dilates the arteries of the heart and lowers cholesterol and fat levels. Magnesium taken in proper dosages can
solve the problem of calcium deficiency.
Magnesium controls the fate of potassium and calcium in the body. If magnesium is insufficient, potassium and calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.).
Magnesium and calcium complete for many of the body’s chemical pathways. Calcium causes muscles to contract,
while magnesium helps them relax. Magnesium and calcium are paired minerals.
Several studies have reported that increasing calcium in the diet significantly reduces the absorption of magnesium. Calcium intakes above 2.6 grams per day may reduce the uptake and utilization of magnesium by the body and increase magnesium requirements. So much stress is placed on the importance of calcium by the dairy industry that we may, in fact, be harming our magnesium absorption. Up to 30% of the energy of cells is used
to pump calcium out of the cells. A healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels. The higher the calcium level and the lower the magnesium level in the extra-cellular fluid, the harder is it for cells to pump the calcium out. The result is that the mitochondria gradually calcify and energy production decreases with low magnesium levels. Our biochemical age could theoretically be determined by the ratio of magnesium to calcium within our cells. Without sufficient magnesium, calcium can collect in the soft tissues and cause arthritis. In arthritics calcium is poorly absorbed into their blood and bones.
According to the University of Florida Shands Cancer Center a high level of calcium in the blood, called hypercalcemia, may become a medical emergency. This disorder is most commonly caused by cancer or parathyroid disease but underneath the primary etiology is probably magnesium deficiency. Hypercalcemia is commonly attributed to either the cancer treatment or the cancer itself and may make it difficult for doctors to detect hypercalcemia when it first occurs. This disorder can be severe and difficult to manage especially because doctors have not a clue about the underlying relationship between excess calcium and low levels of magnesium. Severe hypercalcemia is a medical emergency that can be avoided if magnesium levels are brought up to normal. Calcium competes with zinc, manganese, magnesium,
copper and iron for absorption in the intestine and a
high intake of one can reduce absorption of the others. Because of the totally distorted way medical science relates to magnesium, the medical profession makes mistakes with calcium recommendations. It’s still common to hear the assumption about calcium’s ability to help prevent osteoporosis (weakening of the bones usually associated with aging). The fact is that increasing magnesium intake increases bones density in the elderly and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Magnesium is essential for proper calcium absorption
and is an important mineral in the bone matrix.
Harvard School of Public Health;
North Western University; Nutrition Fact Sheet:
New York State Department of Health;
Calcium and Magnesium