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8. Mike Kinch [Mike]   (2014-08-10 11:54 PM)
9 years ago I was bitten on the shoulder by a black widow spider.  Initially it paralyzed my shoulder and swelled into an enormous red welt. These symptoms disappeared however the site began a cycle in which the cyst that developed would rupture and inflame every few months. This continued for 8 years unabated until last year when I was visiting Eleonora. She put the Magnesium Chloride on it once and it nearly completely healed it. It has been a year now and it has never become inflamed again.

I can recommend this product without reservation.


7. phypsubsesoth   (2012-10-07 11:39 PM)
это самый лучший форум. Спасибо!

6. vasiliki simonisou   (2012-06-25 0:15 AM)
здравствуйте! Mоя семья тоже пользуется продуктами Magnesium Chlroide и мы очень довольны результатaми. Bсе началось с того, чтo моего ребенка укусило насекомое (Ha меcте укуса началась аллергическая реакцыя-появились волдыри и краснота. Mы начали паниковать, когда меcтo укусa началo становяться шире и превратилось в ранy. A из-за высокого уровня влажности, в течение лета на Кипре, состояние раны не улyчшaлocь. Paна зaгноилась. Мази, которые мы использовали, не помогaли. Мы узнали о Magnesium Chloride oт наших клиентов, которые уже использовали его, и взяли y них контакты BridgeToHealth представителя на Кипре. Эффект (мы взяли Magnesium Oil спрей) был незaмедлительный. Применив Magnesium Oil вокруг растущей раны, к утру мы yвидeли, что покраснение почти исчезлo, и paнa стала суше. Через пару дней мой ребенок выздоровел. Caмa я использую Magnesium Chloride Oil Spray, когда меня мyчaют боли в спине и шее ... Большое спасибо за ваш достойный продукт.

5. Liudmyla Müller [Luda]   (2012-06-23 9:40 PM)
Hallo Miteinander
Wenn ich nach einem anstrengenden Tag meine Füsse und Beine mit dem Magnesium Spray behandle, fühlen sich meine Füsse rasch wieder besser an. Das Magnesium scheint mir erfrischend und erholend zu wirken. lol
Ich danke dem Bridge to Health Team für dieses tolle Produkt.
Liebe Grüsse

4. Valerio Tarantino [John1280]   (2012-06-23 11:04 AM)
Goodmorning to everyone,
I can just say that the 1st time I used the massage cream, I felt really well.
For sure it's a very good product.
Thanks to Eleonora!

All the best

3. Natalia Osipova   (2012-06-15 11:29 AM)
Good morning Eleonora! Thank you for creating this wonderful site of Bridge to Health! hands I am still using Spray Magnesium Oil and very happy with results! Thank you all for your support and instructions of using it as No One Cares about our Back Like We Do! biggrin So, i will try to give an advise to people to their back pain points plan:
never give up, keep searching for your solution, tackle stress, anxiety and depression, back care questions, do not continue doing what does not work, record your pain, explain your pain, relieving your pain, looking after your posture, know your body, your responsibilities - VISIT BRIDGE TO HEALTH, THOSE WONDERFUL PEOPLE - IT IS WORTH TO DO!!! Eleonora, my best regards and wishes to you, Jim, Raisa and Viktor!

2. Alejandro LH [MgCl2_Junkie]   (2012-06-13 0:25 AM)
Hi people,
It is a natural miracle to find wisesupplements and his excellent team of professionals in this matters.
Since 1,5 years I'm using the MgCl2 Oil, due to my heavy and stressful work. My body was wearing out and tired. After applying it before sleeping everyday during 3 weeks, iI felt different with more energy and shinning. Pain reduced and felt better and energyized.
I fill in my obligation to write here the results on my person, becuase.. IT WORKS!
Hope I can help others to try Magnesium Chloride in Oil or Gel. Body and Mind will appreciate it very much.
Take always a bottle with you on your business trips or holidays, you will feel the difference in short time.
Try it, and you will never regret it!
Thank you "Bridge To Health" team for your wise advises and excellent support.

Bless you,

1. Alan Stapleton   (2012-06-12 4:10 AM)
Hello all

I was lucky enough to meet William, Eleonora and Raissia last year. They have a very strong commitment to good health.
I have tried their Magnesium Chloride Massage Gel. It has fantastic qualities and really does enhance skin condition. I used the gel in massage and can say that it really does enliven the skin and deeper tissue.

All the best


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